Promoting Telecommuting and Technological Efficiency at Walailak University

Promoting Telecommuting and Technological Efficiency at Walailak University

Walailak University promotes telecommuting or remote working for employees, which is the practice of working from any location outside the office. Remote work is an effective way to reduce carbon footprint within the university, as employees do not need to commute and have switched to conducting meetings via video conferencing.

In 2022, Walailak University prepared tools to support employees in remote work, such as computers, a reliable internet connection, and various software applications for tasks. These include collaborative document software, online meeting software, and cloud systems for document sharing. Additionally, employees can install or use such software on their personal devices.

1. Online Meeting

Walailak University promotes meeting via online by announcing the policy on remote working; all schools, colleges, and offices at Walailak University shall, where possible, arrange internal meetings via online platforms. Besides, the president, vice presidents, directors, divisional directors, deans, vice deans, and the staff of the office of the president shall attend the executive board meetings physically. The support staff, and the academic staff who do not hold administrative positions should, if possible, attend the meetings through online platforms.

2. The Control Plant Watering Application for Smart Farm employees

Currently, at the Walailak University Smart Farm, an agricultural area where various crops and fruit trees are cultivated, support is provided to encourage employees to work remotely, reducing the need for commuting. This is achieved through the installation of automated irrigation systems controlled via a mobile application. These smart irrigation systems are equipped with WIFI connectivity, enabling remote control via mobile phones. They efficiently water the plants without the need for on-site presence, making them a time-saving and effective solution.

3. The Digital Office Management System (DOMS)

Walailak University promotes the Use of Modern Technology to Enhance Work Efficiency, including the Implementation of the Digital Office Management System (DOMS), which commenced on September 9, 2020. It introduced the use of electronic signatures (e-Signature) for document creation, permission requests, approvals, recording of deliberations, and various directives by management within the DOMS system. This advancement offers the convenience of working anytime, anywhere, reducing congestion and travel time for employees, allowing them to work from home.

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Goal 11 : Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 17: Partnership for the goals